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MS & PhD Programs

MS Program


The MS program prepares students to be highly qualified professionals in their fields. In addition to traditional teaching methods, the program provides invaluable real life experience, either in a clinic or a veterinary related industry. 


Students dedicate the first year of their study to the theoretical and practical courses required by the degree’s relevant discipline. Subsequent years are then devoted to practicing their skills in a real working environment, whilst completing a practical or clinical oriented project under the guidance of their mentors. 



PhD Program


The PhD program cultivates outstanding scientists for animal and human health. In order to ensure an exceptional standard of PhD graduates, it is a mandatory requirement that students secure at least one publication in a well-recognized SCI indexed journal, in addition to completing an innovative research project within their chosen field.


To guarantee students receive a high quality of academic training, supervisors of PhD students will only be selected from those faculty members with recently proven academic accomplishments and research funds.


The program encourages doctoral students to participate in a variety of academic activities ranging from attending guest seminars to presenting their own work at annual doctoral student forums. The program also supports students to attend national and international conferences to broaden their academic visions.