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>> 师资队伍 >> 师资队伍 >> 基础兽医系 >> 副教授
姓名:代重山 性别: 职务:
所在系:基础兽医学系 职称:副教授 导师类别:
政治面貌:中共党员 出生年月:1987.10 学位:博士
电子邮件:daichongshan@cau.edu.cn 办公电话:

主要从事分子毒理学及代谢病研究。研究成果以第一/通讯作者(含并列)在Cell Reports、Cell Death & Disease、Pharmacology & Therapeutics、Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy等期刊发表SCI论文34篇(累积IF为141.2),其中,部分论文为ESI高被引及F1000prime推荐。






2006 – 2010 河南科技大学,动植物检疫专业,学士

2010 – 2013 东北农业大学,基础兽医学,硕士

2013 – 2017 中国农业大学,基础兽医学,博士


2017 – 2020 美国德州大学西南医学中心,博士后 

2021 – 现在 中国农业大学动物医学院,校引进“优秀人才”,副教授


Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine编委;

International Journal of Functional Nutrition编委;

Current Molecular Pharmacology客座编辑;

担任British Journal of Pharmacology、Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy、ACS Infectious Diseases等10余种国际期刊的同行评审人。


1. Dai C*,Li Q, May HI, Li C, Zhang G, Sharma G, Sherry AD, Malloy CR, Khemtong C, Zhang Y, Deng Y, Gillette TG, Xu J, Scadden DT, Wang ZV#. Lactate dehydrogenase A governs cardiac hypertrophic growth in response to hemodynamic stress. Cell Rep. 2020 Sep 1;32(9):108087. (IF8.2

2. Dai C*, Xiao X, Li D, Tun S, Wang Y, Velkov T#, Tang S#. Chloroquine ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in mice via the concomitant inhibition of inflammation and induction of apoptosis. Cell Death Dis. 2018 Nov 26;9(12):1164. (IF6.4

3. Dai C*, Xiao X, Zhang Y, Xiang B, Hoyer D, Shen J, Velkov T#, Tang S#. Curcumin attenuates colistin - induced peripheral neurotoxicity in mice. ACS Infect Dis.2020 Apr 10;6(4):715-724. F1000 Primer 推荐收录(IF4.9

4. Velkov T*#, Dai C*, Ciccotosto GD, Cappai R, Hoyer D, Li J. Polymyxins for CNS infections: Pharmacology and neurotoxicity. Pharmacol Ther. 2018 Jan;181: 85-90. Invited review (IF11.2

5. Dai C*#,Xiao X, Sun F, Zhang Y, Hoyer D, Shen J, Tang S#, Velkov T#. T-2 toxin neurotoxicity: role of oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction. Arch Toxicol. 2019 Nov;93(11):3041-3056. (IF6.1

6. Dai C*, Xiao X, Li J, Ciccotosto GD, Cappai R, Tang S, Schneider-Futschik EK, Hoyer D, Velkov T#, Shen J#. Molecular mechanisms of neurotoxicity induced by polymyxins and chemoprevention. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2019 Jan 16;10(1):120-131. Invited review (IF4.3

7. Dai C*, Tang S, Velkov T#, Xiao X#. Colistin-induced apoptosis of neuroblastoma-2a cells involves the generation of reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial dysfunction, and autophagy. Mol Neurobiol. 2016 Sep;53(7):4685-700. (IF6.1

8. Dai C*,Li J, Tang S, Li J#, Xiao X#. Colistin-induced nephrotoxicity in mice involves the mitochondrial, death receptor, and endoplasmic reticulum pathways. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2014 Jul;58(7):4075-85.(IF4.5)  

9. Dai C*, Ciccotosto GD, Cappai R, Tang S, Li D, Xie S, Xiao X#, Velkov T#. Curcumin Attenuates Colistin-induced neurotoxicity in n2a cells via anti- inflammatory activity, suppression of oxidative stress, and apoptosis. Mol Neurobiol. 2018 Jan;55(1):421-434. (IF6.1

10. Dai C*,Tang S, Wang Y, Velkov T, Xiao X#. Baicalein acts as a nephroprotectant that ameliorates colistin -induced nephrotoxicity by activating the antioxidant defence mechanism of the kidneys and down-regulating the inflammatory response. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2017 Sep 1;72(9):2562-2569. 当期亮点文章(IF5.4)

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