个人简介: 2005年本科毕业于西南民族大学,2008年获取西南大学临床兽医硕士学位,2009年赴日留学并于2014年获取东京大学兽医学博士学位,此后至2018年在东京大学从事博士后研究工作,研究内容为胚胎着床及早期胎盘形成的分子机制。 代表性文章: 1.Bai R, Kusama K, Nakamura K, Sakurai T, Kimura K, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Imakawa K. Down-regulation of transcription factor OVOL2 is required for epithelial-mesenchymal transition in non-invasive type of trophoblast implantation to the maternal endometrium. FASEB J. 32 3371-3384 (2018) 2.Bai R, Kusama K, Sakurai T, Bai H, Wang C, Zhang J, Kuse M, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Okuda K, Imakawa K. The Role of Endometrial Selectins and Their Ligands on Bovine Conceptus Attachment to the Uterine Epithelium During Peri-Implantation Period. Biol Reprod. 93 46 (2015). 3.Bai R, Bai H, Kuse M, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Fujiwara H, Okuda K, Imakawa K, Sakurai T. Involvement of VCAM-1 in the bovine conceptus adhesion to the uterine endometrium. Reproduction. 148 119-127 (2014). 4.Bai R*, Latifi Z*, Kusama K, Nakamura K, Shimada M, Imakawa K. Induction of immune-related gene expression by seminal exosomes in the porcine endometrium. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 495 1094-1101 (2018). *Equal contribution 5.Yamakoshi S*, Bai R*, Chaen T, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Sakurai T, Konno T, Imakawa K. Expression of mesenchymal-related genes by the bovine trophectoderm following conceptus attachment to the endometrial epithelium. Reproduction. 143 377-387 (2012). *Equal contribution |