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姓名:王永强 性别: 职务:
所在系:预防兽医系 职称:讲师 导师类别:硕士生导师
政治面貌:中国农工党 出生年月:1982.02 学位:博士
电子邮件:vetwyq@cau.edu.cn 办公电话:62734483


主要研究方向为兽医流行病学和动物免疫抑制病的致病机理。主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金和行业专项。承担本科生《兽医流行病学》教学任务。熟悉家禽集约化养殖生产中的疾病净化和防控。近五年研究主要集中在病毒蛋白与宿主蛋白互作的机理;相关成果以第一或通讯作者身份发表在了JVJBCIMMUNOBIOLOGYArchives of Virology等杂志。现为Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY等期刊审稿人和《中国兽医杂志》编委。并担任强生医疗专业教育学院-兽医顾问;农业农村部家禽品质监督检验测试中心(北京)主管兽医;农业农村部全球疫病分析报告撰写组成员


(1) Wu, HaiyangHe, ZhiyuanTang, JunLi, XiaoqiCao, HongWang,Yongqiang (*)Zheng, Shijun J(*).

A critical role of LAMP-1 in avian reovirusP10 degradation associated with inhibition of apoptosis and virus releaseArchives of Virology2016.4.011614):899~911

(2) Zhang, ZhiqiangLin, WenchengLi, XiaoqiCao, HongWang, Yongqiang(*)Zheng, Shijun J(*).

Critical role of eukaryotic elongation factor 1 alpha 1(EEF1A1) in avian reovirus sigma-C-induced apoptosis and inhibition of viral growthArchives of Virology2015.6.011606):1449~1461

(3) Lin, WenchengZhang, ZhiqiangXu, ZhichaoWang, BinLi, Xiaoqi

Cao, HongWang, Yongqiang(*) Zheng, Shijun J. (*)

The Association of Receptor of Activated Protein Kinase C 1(RACK1) with Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Viral Protein VP5 and Voltage-dependent Anion Channel 2 (VDAC2) Inhibits Apoptosis and Enhances Viral ReplicationJournal of Biological Chemistry2015.3.2729013):8500~8510

(4) Zhiyuan He; Xiang Chen; Mengjiao Fu; Jun Tang; Xiaoqi Li; Hong Cao; Yongqiang Wang(*)  ; Shijun J.Zheng  (*)

Infectious bursal disease virus protein VP4 suppresses type I interferon expression via inhibiting K48-linked ubiquitylation of glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ), Immunobiology, 2017.12.1, 223(4-5): 374~382

(5) Zhiyuan He; Yongqiang Wang ,(*)

Establishment of a Monoclonal Antibody Against chGILZ, Monoclon Antib Immunodiagn Immunother, 2017.8.1, 36(4): 176~180

(6)Junfeng Gao, Xueyan Duan , Xiaoqi Li , Hong Cao , Yongqiang Wan ,(*), Shijun J. Zheng,(*)

Emerging of a highly pathogenic and multi-drug resistant strain of Escherichia coli causing an outbreak of colibacillosis in chickensInfection, Genetics and Evolution 65 (2018) 392–398

7Zhiyuan He, Xiang Chen, Mengjiao Fu, Jun Tang, Xiaoqi Li, Hong Cao,Yongqiang Wang, (*) Shijun J. Zheng, (*) Inhibition of fowl adenovirus serotype 4 replication in Leghorn male hepatoma cells by SP600125 via blocking JNK MAPK pathwayVeterinary Microbiology 228 (2019) 4552


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E-mail: vetli@cau.edu.cn