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【学术报告】Parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5)-based vaccine development

发布日期:2014-11-18访问次数: 信息来源:动物医学院字号:[ ]

报告题目:Parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5)-based vaccine development


报告人:Biao He, Ph.D.
Professor and GRA Distinguished Investigator
Fred C. Davison Distinguished University Chair in Veterinary Medicine
Department of Infectious Diseases
University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine










Director: Biao He, PhD

Our long-term goal is to understand viral pathogenesis at the molecular level, especially how viral proteins overcome host defense mechanisms at the molecular level in host.

At present, our laboratory studies how paramyxovirusparainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5, formerly known as simian virus 5, SV5) and mumps virus proteins inhibit apoptotic pathways. We have been focusing our research effort on interactions between PIV5 small hydrophobic protein (SH) as well as the V protein and host apoptotic pathways.

In addition to basic research, we have also been involved in translational research to explore using PIV5 as a vector for gene delivery as well as using apoptosis-inducing recombinant PIV5 as a possible agent for cancer therapy.




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