Yang Wang, PhD
Professor of Basic Veterinary Medicine
Director of Key Laboratory of Animal Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, R.P. China
09/2006-12/2009, PhD in Basic Veterinary Medicine, China agricultural University
09/2008-09/2009, Joint Ph.D student in Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine, Iowa State University
09/2003-06/2006, M.S., Veterinary Pharmacology, South China Agricultural University
09/1999-06/2003, B.V.Sc, Veterinary Medicine, Hunan Agricultural University
Research Interests
Emergence and molecular genetics characteristic of bacterial resistance to antibiotic
The epidemiology, transmission and associated risk factors of antimicrobial resistant bacteria
Control of the extensive-drug resistant Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria
Training and Professional Experience
2017-Now, Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University
2013-2016, Associate Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University
2010-2012, Lecturer, College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University
Awards and Honors
2021, Highly-cited author, Clarivate
2021, Agricultural Research Outstanding Talents Training Program
2020, The 16th China Youth Science and Technology Award
2020, The First Prize of Beijing Natural Science (3/8).
2019-2024, High-Level Talents of Chinese Ministry of Education.
2019-2021, Young Top-notch Talent of "ten thousand people plan".
2019, The First Prize of Sichuan Province Scientific and Technological Progress (6/10).
2015-2017, the Excellent Young Scholar of National Natural Science Funds of China.
2017-now, Graduate Level Course "Detection of Microorganisms in Animal-derived Food"
2011-now, Undergraduate Course "Experiments of Veterinary Pharmacology"
Reviewer for
2011-2015, Reviewer/Volunteer of the Subcommittee on Veterinary Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)
2020-Now, Editorial Board Member of Animal Disease
2020-2024, Editorial Board Member of Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
2020-2022, Editorial Board Member of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
2020-2021, Executive Editor of a special issue for Antimicrobial Resistance, Engineering
2019-2022, Associate Editor of Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine
2019-Now, Editor of Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Selected Publications
Schwarz S#*, Zhang W, Du X, Krüger H, Feßler A T, Ma S, Zhu Y, Wu C, Shen J, Wang Y. Mobile oxazolidinone resistance genes in gram-gositive and gram-negative bacteria. Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 2021, 34(3): e0018820.
Yin W#, Ling Z#, Dong Y#, Qiao L#, Shen Y#, Liu Z, Wu Y, Li W, Zhang R, Walsh T R, Dai C, Li J, Yang H, Liu D, Wang Y*, Gao G F*, Shen J*. Mobile colistin resistance enzyme MCR-3 facilitates bacterial evasion of host phagocytosis. Advanced Science. 2021: e2101336.
Song S#, He W#, Yang D, Benmouffok M, Wang Y, Li J, Sun C, Song X, Ma S, Cai C, Ding S, Wu C, Shen Z, Wang Y*. Molecular epidemiology of Klebsiella pneumoniae from clinical bovine mastitis in northern china, 2018–2019, Engineering (2022), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eng.2021.01.015.
Ji X#, Krüger H#, Tao J, Wang Y, Feßler A T, Bai R, Wang S, Dong Y, Shen J, Wang Y*, Schwarz S*, Wu C*. Comparative analysis of genomic characteristics, fitness and virulence of MRSA ST398 and ST9 isolated from China and Germany. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2021, 10(1): 1481-1494.
Fu Y#, Chen Y#, Liu D, Yang D, Liu Z, Wang Y, Wang J, Wang X, Xu X, Li X, He J, Jiang J, Zhai W, Huang L, He T, Xia X, Cai C, Wang Y*, Jiang H*. Abundance of tigecycline resistance genes and association with antibiotic residues in Chinese livestock farms. Journal of Hazard Materials. 2021, 409: 124921.
Wang Y#, Xu C#, Zhang R#, Chen Y#, Shen Y#, Hu F#, Liu D, Lu J, Guo Y, Xia X, Jiang J, Wang X, Fu Y, Yang L, Wang J, Li J, Cai C, Yin D, Che J, Fan R, Wang Y, Qing Y, Liao K, Chen H, Zou M, Liang L, Tang J, Shen Z, Wang S, Yang X, Wu C, Xu S*, Walsh T R*, Shen J*. Changes in colistin resistance and mcr-1 abundance in Escherichia coli of animal and human origins following the ban of colistin-positive additives in China: an epidemiological comparative study. Lancet Infectious Disease. 2020, 20(10): 1161-1171.
He T#, Wang R#, Liu D#, Walsh T R, Zhang R, Lv Y, Ke Y, Ji Q, Wei R, Liu Z, Shen Y, Wang G, Sun L, Lei L, Lv Z, Li Y, Pang M, Wang L, Sun Q, Fu Y, Song H, Hao Y, Shen Z, Wang S, Chen G, Wu C, Shen J*, Wang Y*. Emergence of plasmid-mediated high-level tigecycline resistance genes in animals and humans. Nature Microbiology. 2019, 4: 1450-1456.
Li J#, Bi Z#, Ma S#, Chen B#, Cai C, He J, Schwarz S, Sun C, Zhou Y, Yin J, Hulth A, Wang Y, Shen Z, Wang S, Wu C, Nilsson L E, Walsh T R, Börjesson S, Shen J, Sun Q*, Wang Y*. Inter-host transmission of carbapenemase-producing Escherichia coli among humans and backyard animals. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2019, 127(10): 107009.
Zou Z#, Lei L#, Chen Q, Wang Y, Cai C, Li W, Zhang Z, Shao B*, Wang Y*. Prevalence and dissemination risk of antimicrobial-resistant Enterobacteriaceae from shared bikes in Beijing, China. Environment International. 2019, 132: 105119.
Shen Y#, Lv Z#, Yang L#, Liu D#, Ou Y, Xu C, Liu W, Yuan D, Hao Y, He J, Li X, Zhou Y, Walsh T R, Shen J, Xia J, Ke Y* and Wang Y*. Integrated aquaculture contributes to the transfer of MCR-1 between animals and humans via the aquaculture supply chain. Environment International. 2019, 130: 104708.
Shen Y#, Zhou H#, Xu J, Wang Y, Zhang Q, Walsh T R, Shao B, Wu C, Hu Y, Yang L, Shen Z, Wu Z, Sun Q, Ou Y, Wang Y, Wang S, Wu Y, Cai C, Li J, Shen J*, Zhang R*, Wang Y*. Anthropogenic and environmental factors associated with high prevalence of mcr-1 carriage in humans across China. Nature Microbiology. 2018, 3(9): 1054-1062.
Wang X, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Li J, Yin W, Wang S, Zhang S, Shen J, Shen Z*, Wang Y*. Emergence of a novel mobile colistin resistance gene, mcr-8, in NDM-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2018, 7(1): 122.
Wang Y#, Tian G#, Zhang R#, Shen Y#, Tyrrell J M, Huang X, Zhou H, Lei L, Li H, Doi Y, Fang Y, Ren H, Zhong L, Shen Z, Zeng K, Wang S, Liu J, Wu C, Walsh T R*, Shen J*. Prevalence, risk factors, outcomes, and molecular epidemiology of mcr-1-positive Enterobacteriaceae in patients and healthy adults from China: an epidemiological and clinical study. Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2017, 17: 390-399.
Wang Y#, Zhang R#, Li J, Wu Z, Yin W, Schwarz S, Tyrrell J M, Zheng Y, Wang S, Shen Z, Liu Z, Liu J, Lei L, Li M, Zhang Q, Wu C, Zhang Q, Wu Y, Walsh T R*, Shen J*. Comprehensive resistome analysis reveals the prevalence of NDM and MCR-1 in Chinese poultry production. Nature Microbiology. 2017, 2: 16260.
Yin W, Li H, Shen Y, Liu Z, Wang S, Shen Z, Zhang R, Walsh T R, Shen J, Wang Y*. Novel plasmid-mediated colistin resistance gene mcr-3 in Escherichia coli. mBio. 2017, 8 (3): e00543-17.
Liu Y#, Wang Y#, Walsh T R, Yi L, Zhang R, Spencer J, Doi Y, Tian G, Dong B, Huang X, Yu L, Gu D, Ren H, Chen X, Lv L, He D, Zhou H, Liang Z, Liu J*, Shen J*. Emergence of plasmid-mediated colistin resistance mechanism MCR-1 in animals and human beings in China: a microbiological and molecular biological study. Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2016, 16(2): 161-168.
Wang Y#, Lv Y#, Cai J#, Schwarz S#, Cui L, Hu Z, Zhang R, Li J, Zhao Q, He T, Wang D, Wang Z, Shen Y, Li Y, Feβler A T, Wu C, Yu H, Deng X, Xia X, Shen J*. A novel gene, optrA, that confers transferable resistance to oxazolidinones and phenicols and its presence in Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium of human and animal origin. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2015, 70: 2182-2190.