Rulan Bai, PhD
Assistant Professor of Veterinary Biomedicine
Veterinary Biomedical Teaching and Research Group
04/2010-03/2014, PhD in Veterinary Medical Sciences, The University of Tokyo
09/2005-07/2008, MS in Veterinary Medicine, Southwest University
09/2001-07/2005, DVM, Veterinary Medicine, Southwest Minzu University
Training and Professional Experience
2018-now, Assistant Professor, China Agricultural University College of Veterinary Medicine
2014-2018, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Research Interests
Molecular mechanisms underlying implantation and placentation in ruminants
Molecular mechanisms associated with uterine defense against infections
Biological and translational research of tumors in small animals
2019-now, Undergraduate course "Veterinary Biotechnology"
2020-now, Graduate level course "Advanced Cell Biology"
2021-now, Graduate level course "Advanced Livestock Reproduction"
Selected Publications
Kusama K, Bai R, Matsuno Y, Ideta A, Sakurai T, Nagaoka K, Hori M, Imakawa K. 2022. Characterization of Serum Metabolome and Proteome Profiles Identifies SNX5 Specific for Pregnancy Failure in Holstein Heifers. Life (Basel) 18;12(2):309.
Lang Y, Yu C, Tang J, Li G*, Bai R*. 2020. Characterization of porcine p53 and its regulation by porcine Mdm2. Gene. 748:144699.
Bai R, Kusama K, Nakamura K, Sakurai T, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Imakawa K. 2018. Down-regulation of transcription factor OVOL2 contributes to epithelial–mesenchymal transition in a noninvasive type of trophoblast implantation to the maternal endometrium, FASEB J. 32(6): 3371-3384.
Bai R, Latifi Z, Kusama K, Nakamura K, Shimada M, Imakawa K. 2017. Induction of immune-related gene expression by seminal exosomes in the porcine endometrium. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 495(1): 1094-1101.
Bai R, Bai H, Kuse M, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Fujiwara H, Okuda K, Imakawa K. 2014 Involvement of VCAM1 in the bovine conceptus adhesion to the uterine endometrium. Reproduction, 148(2): 1 19-127.
Bai R, Kusama K, Sakurai T, Bai H, Wang C, Zhang J, Kuse M, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Okuda K, Imakawa K. 2015 The Role of Endometrial Selectins and Their Ligands on Bovine Conceptus Attachment to the Uterine Epithelium During Peri-Implantation Period. Biol Reprod. 93(2): 1-11.
Yamakoshi S#, Bai R#, Chaen T, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Sakurai T, Konno T, Imakawa K. 2012 Expression of mesenchymal-related genes by the bovine trophectoderm following conceptus attachment to the endometrial epithelium. Reproduction. 143 377-387.
Kusama K, Bai R, Imakawa K. 2018 Regulation of human trophoblast cell syncytialization by transcription factors STAT5B and NR4A3. J Cell Biochem. 119 4918-4927.
Imakawa K, Bai R, Kusama K. 2018 Integration of molecules to construct the processes of conceptus implantation to the maternal endometrium. J Anim Sci. 96 3009-3021.
Sakurai T, Nakagawa S, Bai H, Bai R, Kusama K, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Kaneko K, Iga K, Yasuda J, Miyazawa T, Imakawa K. 2017 Novel endogenous retrovirus-derived transcript expressed in the bovine placenta is regulated by WNT signaling. Biochem J. 474 3499-3512.
Imakawa K, Bai R, Fujiwara H, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Kusama K. 2017 Continuous model of conceptus implantation to the maternal endometrium. J Endocrinol. 233 R53-R65.
Kusama K, Bai R, Nakamura K, Okada S, Yasuda J, Imakawa K. 2017 Endometrial factors similarly induced by IFNT2 and IFNTc1 through transcription factor FOXS1. PLoS One. 12 e0171858.
Kusama K, Bai R, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Okuda K, Imakawa K. 2016 Regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition in bovine conceptuses through the interaction between follistatin and activin A. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 434 81-92.