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Cell Signaling, Carcinogenesis, and Intervention for Research Development

发布日期:2021-01-18 来源:办公室 浏览次数:

主讲人:田纳西大学Hwa-Chain Robert Wang教授

Wang教授负责田纳西大学课程Cellular & Molecular Basis of Disease”Cell signaling”部分,多年来深受好评。本次在线讲座为双语教学(英文教材+中文讲解),30学时,每日3小时。北京时间:2月01-10号,上午09:00-12:00




Cell Signaling, Carcinogenesis, and Intervention for Research Development

Course Description: This course will provide a comprehensive view of cell signaling involved in cancer development for intervention, covering signal transduction modulation, cellular carcinogenesis, and research strategies for developing preventive and therapeutic intervention of cancer development, as well as methods of preparing scientific manuscripts for publishing research results in SCI journals.  The objective of this course is to gain an understanding of the basic principles of cellular and molecular events related to cell growth, cell death, and cellular carcinogenesis that help develop research strategies for cancer prevention and treatment applicable to humans and animals.

Beijing time zone: 2021, 02/01 to 02/10; 0900-12:00 (US time zone: 01/31 to 02/09; 20:00-23:00)

  1. 02/01, Cell Signaling-1

  2. 02/02, Cell Signaling-2

  3. 02/03, Cell Signaling-3

  4. 02/04, Signaling Modulators in Carcinogenesis-1

  5. 02/05, Signaling Modulators in Carcinogenesis-2

  6. 02/06, Carcinogenesis of Breast Cells-1

  7. 02/07, Carcinogenesis of Breast Cells-2

  8. 02/08, Preventive Intervention of Carcinogenesis

  9. 02/09, Therapeutic Intervention of Carcinogenesis

  10. 02/10, Manuscript Preparation for publishing Research Results