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Versatile biomanufacturing through stimulus responsive cell-bacteria feedback

发布日期:2018-12-18访问次数: 信息来源:动物医学院字号:[ ]

报告题目Versatile biomanufacturing through stimulus responsive cell-bacteria feedback


报告人:Dr. Zhuojun Dai











戴卓君,副研究员,目前在中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院工作,于浙江大学获得学士学位,于香港中文大学化学系获得博士学位(Ph.D advisor: Prof Chi Wu),之后在美国杜克大学生物医学工程系从事博士后研究(Postdoc advisor, Prof Lingchong You)。在PNAS, Biomaterials, Macromolecules, Journal of Controlled release 等杂志发表文章十余篇。实验室目前的主要研究方向是利用高分子化学与物理的手段,结合合成生物学解决一系列理论及应用问题。比如利用刺激敏感性水凝胶与工程菌群的双向反馈实现下游蛋白纯化,筛选等多角度,模块化应用;集合蛋白质工程与材料设计实现活性材料生产等。



Small-scale production of biologics has great potential in facilitating individualized medicine and enhancing the accessibility of biomanufacturing. By exploiting cell-material feedback, we designed a concise platform to achieve versatile production, analysis, and purification of diverse proteins and protein complexes. The core of our technology is a microbial swarmbot, which consists of a stimulus-sensitive polymeric microcapsule encapsulating engineered bacteria. By sensing the confinement, the bacteria undergo programmed partial lysis at a high local density. Conversely, the encapsulating material shrinks in response to the changing chemical environment caused by cell growth and death, squeezing out the protein products released from bacterial lysis. This platform is then integrated with downstream modules to enable quantification of enzymatic kinetics, purification of diverse proteins, quantitative control of protein interactions, and assembly of functional protein complexes and multi-enzyme metabolic pathways through division of labor. Our work demonstrates the use of the feedback between living cells and materials to engineer a modular and flexible platform with sophisticated yet well-defined programmed functions.






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