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姓名:夏春 性别: 职务:
所在系:预防兽医系 职称:教授 导师类别:博士生导师
政治面貌:群众 出生年月:1962.02 学位:博士
电子邮件:xiachun@cau.edu.cn 办公电话:010-62733372



1.MHC-II表位肽识别与免疫调节机理的研究, 57, 国家自然基金面上项目, 2020.01-2023.12

2.pMHCI-CD8复合体分子互作机制与抗病毒CTL免疫应答机理的研究, 76, 国家自然基金面上项目, 2016.01-2019.12

3.草鱼细胞毒性T细胞免疫应答的结构与功能基础及其调控机理研究, 310, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 2013.1-2017.12

4.特异性免疫识别中结构与功能的演化, 215, 科技部973, 2013.1-2017.12

5.中国地方猪种优异特色性状的功能基因组学研究, 93.14, 科技部863, 2013.1-2017.12

6.免疫系统起源的亿年超前追溯, 254.5, 科技部973, 2008.01-2012.12

7.猪牛三类病毒强限制性MHC I基因克隆及其抗病功能验证, 286, 国家转基因重大专项, 2009.01-2010.12

8.石斑鱼分子免疫系统及其免疫应答机理的系统研究, 115, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 2007.01-2010.12

9.海水鱼类复合长效干扰素关键技术的研究, 94, 科技部863, 2008.01-2010.12

10.四聚体技术鉴定鸡重要病毒抗原表位的研究, 35, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2007.01-2009.12.


1. Li, Z., N. Zhang, L. Ma, L. Zhang, G. Meng, and C. Xia*. 2020. The Mechanism of beta2m Molecule-Induced Changes in the Peptide Presentation Profile in a Bony Fish. iScience 23: 101119.

2. Zhang, L., X. Li, L. Ma, B. Zhang, G. Meng*, and C. Xia*. 2020. A Newly Recognized Pairing Mechanism of the alpha- and beta-Chains of the Chicken Peptide-MHC Class II Complex. Journal of Immunology 204: 1630-1640.

3. Li, X., L. Zhang, Y. Liu, L. Ma, N. Zhang, and C. Xia*. 2020. Structures of the MHC-I molecule BF2*1501 disclose the preferred presentation of an H5N1 virus-derived epitope. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 295: 5292-5306.

4. Ma, L., N. Zhang, Z. Qu, R. Liang, L. Zhang, B. Zhang, G. Meng, J. M. Dijkstra, S. Li, and M. C. Xia*. 2020. A Glimpse of the Peptide Profile Presentation by Xenopus laevis MHC Class I: Crystal Structure of pXela-UAA Reveals a Distinct Peptide-Binding Groove. Journal of Immunology, 204: 147-158.

5. Qu, Z., Z. Li, L. Ma, X. Wei, L. Zhang, R. Liang, G. Meng, N. Zhang*, and C. Xia*. 2019. Structure and Peptidome of the Bat MHC Class I Molecule Reveal a Novel Mechanism Leading to High-Affinity Peptide Binding. Journal of Immunology 202: 3493-3506.(封面论文)

6. Chen, R., L. Zhang, J. Qi, N. Zhang, L. Zhang, S. Yao, Y. Wu, B. Jiang, Z. Wang, H. Yuan, Q. Zhang, and C. Xia*. 2018. Discovery and Analysis of Invertebrate IgVJ-C2 Structure from Amphioxus Provides Insight into the Evolution of the Ig Superfamily. Journal of Immunology  200: 2869-2881. (封面论文)

7. Pan, X., N. Zhang, X. Wei, Y. Jiang, R. Chen, Q. Li, R. Liang, L. Zhang, L. Ma, and C. Xia*. 2019. Illumination of PRRSV Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Epitopes by the Three-Dimensional Structure and Peptidome of Swine Lymphocyte Antigen Class I (SLA-I). Front. Immunol .10: 2995.

8. Liang, R., Y. Sun, Y. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Wu, Z. Li, L. Ma, N. Zhang, L. Zhang, X. Wei, Z. Qu, N. Zhang*, and C. Xia*. 2018. Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I (FLA-E*01801) Molecular Structure in Domestic Cats Demonstrates Species-Specific Characteristics in Presenting Viral Antigen Peptides. Journal of Virology 92.

9. Wu, Y., J. Wang, S. Fan, R. Chen, Y. Liu, J. Zhang, H. Yuan, R. Liang, N. Zhang*, and C. Xia*. 2017. Structural Definition of Duck Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Molecules That Might Explain Efficient Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Immunity to Influenza A Virus. Journal of Virology 91.

10. Chen, Z., N. Zhang, J. Qi, R. Chen, J. M. Dijkstra, X. Li, Z. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Wu, and C. Xia*. 2017. The Structure of the MHC Class I Molecule of Bony Fishes Provides Insights into the Conserved Nature of the Antigen-Presenting System. Journal of Immunology 199: 3668-3678.

11. Yao, S., J. Liu, J. Qi, R. Chen, N. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Wu, G. F. Gao, and C. Xia*. 2016. Structural Illumination of Equine MHC Class I Molecules Highlights Unconventional Epitope Presentation Manner That Is Evolved in Equine Leukocyte Antigen Alleles. Journal of Immunology 196: 1943-1954.

12. Fan, S., Y. Wu, S. Wang, Z. Wang, B. Jiang, Y. Liu, R. Liang, W. Zhou, N. Zhang, and C. Xia*. 2016. Structural and Biochemical Analyses of Swine Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Complexes and Prediction of the Epitope Map of Important Influenza A Virus Strains. Journal of Virology 90: 6625-6641.

13. Chen, R., J. Qi, H. Yuan, Y. Wu, W. Hu, and C. Xia*. 2015. Crystal structures for short-chain pentraxin from zebrafish demonstrate a cyclic trimer with new recognition and effector faces. Journal of Structural Biology 189: 259-268.

14. Liu, Y., X. Li, J. Qi, N. Zhang, and C. Xia*. 2016. The structural basis of chicken, swine and bovine CD8alphaalpha dimers provides insight into the co-evolution with MHC I in endotherm species. Scientific Reports 6: 24788.

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