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发布日期:2017-05-24访问次数: 信息来源:动物医学院字号:[ ]

报告人:Antonio Peramo博士,教授

报告时间:2017529日(全天:9:00-12:00; 14:00-18:00


联系人:索 教授



Antonio Peramo教授曾就职于美国密歇根大学,研究方向为上皮细胞的培养、人皮肤组织模型及纳米材料和穿膜肽在血栓研究中的应用。现主要从事SCI论文写作、母语化润色培训等工作。

Dr. Peramo holds a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from the University of South Florida, USA. Previously, he obtained degrees in Chemistry and Electrochemistry at the University of Barcelona, Spain. He has worked in physical models of polymers applied in the field of cancer cell culture. As former research faculty at the University of Michigan, Dr. Peramo developed a research program in epithelial cell culture techniques, skin tissue engineering, human skin models and use of nanomaterials and cell-penetrating peptides in thrombosis studies. He has published more than thirty papers and has been active as journal reviewer during his years of work at three different universities. He has trained scientists in Ecuador under a program supported by the Ecuadorian Goverment as foreign expert and developed a research line in computational biophysics. He is also currently teaching courses and workshops in the area of molecular dynamics and science writing and publication as founder of iPublishPapers.com, a company offering researchers a more formal and structured training in scientific publication techniques.




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