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姓名:周磊 性别: 职务:
所在系:预防兽医系 职称:副教授 导师类别:博士生导师
政治面貌:群众 出生年月:1981.10 学位:博士
电子邮件:leosj@cau.edu.cn 办公电话:62733962


周磊, 男, 中国农业大学动物医学院教师, 全国百篇优秀博士论文作者。多年一直从事猪病毒性传染病研究。熟悉我国猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(PRRS)毒株流行变异情况、疫苗使用及防控措施等,于Virus Research中发表相关综述。并在其病原学、分子流行病学、感染与免疫、致病机制和新型疫苗创制等方面取得重要进展,在PLOS Pathogens, Journal of Virology、Virology、Virus Research和PLOS ONE等国外权威期刊发表SCI论文15篇,其中第一作者8篇。现为PLOS ONE,VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY和《中国兽医杂志》审稿人。

旅美博士后研究期间,利用DNA shuffling技术和动物感染模型开发具异源保护性的新型广谱PRRS疫苗,其成果(本人为发明人之一)已进入PPA程序(美国专利申请号61/700,912)。

主持“高等学校全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金资助项目”,“国家自然科学基金青年项目”,“大北农青年学者研究计划”, “基本科研业务费专项资金项目”以及“企业横向合作项目“等科研项目共计8项。参加973,国家自然科学基金重点项目等17项。担任2013年“国际猪繁殖与呼吸综合征研讨会”同声传译,并作为欧盟PRRSCon项目和美国NC229项目联系人之一,负责团队国际合作事宜。



1.    Li Yco,Zhou Leico, Zhang JL, Ge XN, Zhou R, Zheng HG, Geng G, Guo X, Yang HC*. 2014. NSP9 and NSP10 Contribute to the Fatal Virulence of Highly Pathogenic Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Emerging in China. PLoS pathogens. 10, e1004216.

2.    Li Wangco, Zhou Leico, Han Zhang, Yan Li, Xinna Ge, Xin Guo, Kangzhen Yu, Hanchun Yang. 2014. Interactome Profile of the Host Cellular Proteins and the Nonstructural Protein 2 of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus. PLoS ONE 9(6): e99176. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099176 

3.    Zhou Lei, Xiaorong Yang, Yuan Tian, et al., Genetic Diversity Analysis of Genotype 2 Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Viruses Emerging in Recent Years in China. BioMed Research International, vol. 2014, Article ID 748068, 13 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/748068

4.    Zhou Lei, Ni Y-Y, Piñeyro P, Cossaboom CM, Subramaniam S Dryman, B., Huang, Y.-W., Meng, X.-J.,. 2013 Broadening the Heterologous Cross-Neutralizing Antibody Inducing Ability of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus by Breeding the GP4 or M genes. PLoS ONE 8(6): e66645. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066645

5.    Zhou Lei, Ni, Y.-Y., Piñeyro, P., Sanford, B., Cossaboom, C., Dryman, B., Huang, Y.-W., Cao, D.-J., Meng, X.-J., 2012. DNA shuffling of the GP3 genes of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) produces a chimeric virus with an improved cross-neutralizing ability against a heterologous PRRSV strain. Virology434, 96-109.

6.    Zhou, Lei, Yang, H., 2010. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome in China. Virus research154, 31-37.

7.    Zhou, Leico, Chen, Sco., Zhang, J., Zeng, J., Guo, X., Ge, X., Zhang, D., Yang, H., 2009a. Molecular variation analysis of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in China. Virus research145, 97-105.

8.    Zhou, Leico, Zhang, J. co, Zeng, J., Yin, S., Li, Y., Zheng, L., Guo, X., Ge, X., Yang, H., 2009b. The 30-amino-acid deletion in the Nsp2 of highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus emerging in China is not related to its virulence. Journal of virology83, 5156-5167.


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