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Diagnosis and treatment of mastitis in dairy cow

发布日期:2014-11-09访问次数: 信息来源:动物医学院字号:[ ]


Diagnosis and treatment of mastitis in dairy cow

报告人: Prof. Dr. Ottó Szenci(匈牙利圣伊斯特万大学)

时间: 2014年11月13日 (周四)上午10:00-11:00

Myometrial contractility in puerperal dairy cows and their response to treatments with various uterotonic drugs

报告人: Senior Scientist Dr.Csaba Bajcsy(匈牙利圣伊斯特万大学)

时间: 2014年11月13日 (周四)上午11:00-12:00


联系人: 韩博 教授(Tel: 13661061552)


Dr. Ottó Szenci is the Professor of Department and Clinic for Production Animals, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Szent István University, Budapest, Hungary. Currently, Professor Szenci also is the Secretary General of the World Association for Buiatrics. Professor Szenci research interests include mastitis management in dairy herds. Aetiology, diagnosis and prevention of metabolic disorders of high-yielding dairy cows. Obstetrics, reproduction and neonatology, perinatal period of domestic animals, particularly newborn calf, early pregnancy diagnoses in large animals, aetiology of early embryonic mortality, reproductive management of dairy cattle. The results were published in peer-review scientific journals in English (n=126) and in Hungarian with English summary (n=96).

Dr. Csaba Bajcsy is the senior scientist at the Department and Clinic for Production Animals, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Szent István University, Budapest, Hungary. He got his first PhD-degree at the University of Veterinary Science Budapest, Hungary in 1999 and his second PhD-degree from Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands in 2005. He focuses on physiological and clinical aspects of uterine function during the postpartum period as well as calcium metabolism in dairy cattle, he published 35 peer-reviewed scientific papers.


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