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>> 科学研究 >> 师资队伍 >> 临床兽医系 >> 教授
姓名:林德贵 性别: 职务:
所在系:临床兽医学系 职称:教授 导师类别:博士生导师
政治面貌:民进会员 出生年月:1961.05. 学位:博士
电子邮件:csama@sina.com 办公电话:010-62733621




1. Peng Li1,4., Dongfang Wu2., Kunyao Liu3, Sizhu Suolang4, Tao He2, Xuan Liu2, Congming Wu2, Yang Wang2, Degui Lin1*. Investigation of Antimicrobial Resistance in Escherichia coli and Enterococci Isolated from Tibetan Pigs. PLOS one. 2014

2. Zhang X, Wang Y, Chi W, Shi Y, Chen S, Lin D, Jin Y.Metalloprotease genes of Trichophyton mentagrophytes are important for pathogenicity.Med Mycol. 2013 Jul 16.

3. Yang Wang, Xin Wang, Stefan Schwarz, Rongmin Zhang, Lei Lei, Xiaoyu Liu, Degui Lin and Jiangzhong Shen. IMP-450producing multidrug-resisitant Pseudomonas aeruginosa of canine origan. Journal of Antimicrobal Chemotherapy. 2014

4. Xiaojing Wu, Yidi Zhang, Zengyang Pei, Si Chen, Xu Yang, Yin Chen, Degui Lin, Runlin Z Ma.Title: Methylseleninic acid restricts tumor growth in nude mice model of metastatic breast cancer probably via inhibiting angiopoietin-2. Journal: BMC Cancer.

5. Y. Jin  Corresponding author: Dr. D. Lin.  Dental Abnormalities In Eight Captive Giant Pandas (Ailuropoda Melanoleuca) In China. Journal title: Journal of Comparative Pathology.  2011

6. Xiaoyu Song1,2, Nalin Siriwardhana1, Kusum Rathore,1,3 Degui Lin2, and Hwa-Chain Robert Wang*. Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Suppression of Breast Cell Carcinogenesis

Induced by Chronic Exposure to Combined 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3 pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) and Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P). Molecular Carcinogenesis. 49:45-463(2010)

7. Hui Li, Zengyang Pei, Degui Lin, Expression and significance of TLR2 and TLR4 in canine mammary gland tumors. Research in veterinary science

8. Zengyang Pei, Di Zhang, Degui Lin. Retrospective study of clinical epidemic characteristics and microbiology of canine otitis externa. The Canadian Veterinary Journa

9. Zengyang Pei, Hui Li, Ying Guo, Yipeng Jin, Degui Lin, Sodium selenite inhibits the expression of VEGF, TGFβ1 and IL-6 induced by LPS in human PC3 cells via TLR4-NF-KB signaling blockage. International Immunopharmacology (2009),

10. Changwei Qiu, Degui. Lin*, Jinqiu Wang, C.Y.Li, G.Z.Debg. Expression and significance of PTEN and VEGF in canine mammary gland tumours. Vet Res Commom  (2008)


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